BDP condemns police operation against unions

BDP condemns police operation against unions

Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) has released a written statement to condemn the so-called DHKP-C operation which targeted 21 addresses including the Genel-İş Union affiliated to DİSK and Liman-İş Union affiliated to Türk-İş on Monday.

“The scenes of the raid in which police teams in ski face masks break the doors of legal and democratic institutions in company with helicopters remind of war scenes”, said BDP and commented the raids as a part of AKP government's detention operations that intend to reduce opponent circles to silence and to intimidate the society.

BDP pointed out that these systematical attacks were contrary to the recently raising public hope for democratization across the country and the environment of an expectation for peace and a solution to the Kurdish question. BDP added that the solution of the Kurdish question and democratization of Turkey are closely associated with with each other.

BDP ended its statement by demanding the immediate release of the detainees.