“Governor of Istanbul violated child rights”, Diyarbakır Bar Association

“Governor of Istanbul violated child rights”, Diyarbakır Bar Association

Diyarbakır Bar Association's Center for Children Rights complained Governor of Istanbul to the Ombudsman on Wednesday for neglecting his duty with his attitude and statements about seventeen-year-old girl who was severely injured in Istanbul on May Day.

In a statement on the complaint, the Center reminded that the Dilan Alp was severely injured on the head with the tear gas capsule thrown by police, and that her skull was broken.

The Center said that “A child means every human being below the age of eighteen years. This expression is the first article of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child” and remarked that the human rights of the child and “childhood” status of individuals was violated in the Istanbul square of Taksim on 1 May 2013 in front of the public eye and conscience.

It continued saying that “The “childhood” status and child rights of Dilan was violated by Istanbul Governor Hüseyin Avni Mutlu who said that, “Dilan is injured. She is a member of a marginal group. On the footage we have, she is seen to be involved in clashes. She is an absolute radical member. We have done nothing wrong or imperfect”.

The Center remarked that “Regardless of the fact that Dilan is a child, Governor Mutlu preferred justifying “disproportionate force” to defending the child. In a democratic state of law, it would be an extrajudicial execution to declare someone a member of an organization unless there is a judicial decision about him/her. The remark “we have records showing them involved in clashes” is the evidence of the fact that the blacklisting mentality of past military coups is still alive”.