Merkel urges Erdoğan's government to end police violence
Merkel urges Erdoğan's government to end police violence
Merkel urges Erdoğan's government to end police violence
Speaking at a press conference with Tunisian Prime Minister Ali Larayed in Berlin, German Challencor Angela Merkel said Turkey must end the violence against protestors across the country.
“I trust the problems must be discussed with the youth of the country without subjecting protestors to any kind of violence”, she said.
The U.S. and European countries have recently voiced reactions against the use of excessive police force during protests across the country and called on the Turkish government to display sensitivity towards protestors. In a statement about Erdoğan's allegations on the presence of "terrorist groups" among demonstrators, a top US official urged Turkish leaders Thursday to refrain from unhelpful rhetoric and unhelpful comments that will not help calm the actions happening in Turkey.
Protests are continuing across the country on the 11th day of the Taksim resistance.
At least three people, including one police officer, were killed and 48 people seriously wounded in protests across the country until today. Ten people lost their sight and 18 others suffered head trauma, according to figures released by Turkish Doctors' Union (TTB).