Occupation police forces clash in al-Bab

The military police and civil police are clashing in Shehba’s Turkish state and allied gang invaded al-Bab.

Clashes broke out last night between the Turkish state allied military police (Shirta Leshqeri) and civil police (Shirta Medeni) when the military police arrested 2 members of the civil police and the civil police objected.

Local sources say there are casualties and report continued high tensions.

Military police is a police organization the Turkish state formed first in invaded towns in Shehba and then in Afrin, which doesn’t exist in Turkey. It is made up of gang members who were given special authority to intervene in clashes among gangs, to conduct operations against YPG and YPJ forces and to prevent actions by the resistance against the occupation in invaded areas of Shehba and in Afrin.

The operational orders come from the Turkish army to the “National Army” gang group, and from the “National Army” to the military police. The invasion apparatus is made up of mostly Hamzat and Sultan Murad gang groups, two Turkmen gangs that the Turkish state has the most trust in.

Civil police is responsible for general public order and answers to the invasion councils set up by the Turkish state in the invaded areas. The police in Turkey has authority over the civil police.

Sources say the civil police made up of Turkish state’s local collaborators have become defunct due to interventions by the gang organization that is the “military police” and that leads to power clashes between the two.