Ten more citizens kidnapped in Afrin

The invader Turkish state and its mercenary allies have kidnapped 10 more citizens in the village of Kefer Şile, Afrin.

ANHA news agency has reported that in the village of Kefer Şile, in Afrin, mercenaries belonging to the Ehrar al-Sham group have kidnapped 10 citizens, including children.

The kidnapped people have been named as follows: Hesen Menan Mustefa (45), Ýsmaîl Menan Mustefa (43), Subhî Menan Mustefa (40), Mustefa Xelîl Ebdullrehman (25), Mezlûm Ehmed Mustefa (25), Ismet Reşîd Midewer (17), Ehmed Hesen Mustefa (16), Menan Îsmaîl (15) and Ebdo Xelîl Abdull Rehman (18).

While it is not known where the kidnapped civilians have been taken, there is concern that they might be tortured. It has been reported that Ebdo Xelil Abdulrahman, one of the citizens, has been wounded with a knife.

Within the last 24 hours, the occupying Turkish state and its mercenary allies have kidnapped 20 people, including women and children, in Afrin.