Latest from Afrin

The Turkish army launched an attack in the countryside of Baliyen village in Afrin’s Bilbile district following the aerial bombardments of Saturday evening. The attack was repelled, and Turkish warplanes shelled Mınıx military base.

Turkish jets carried out airstrikes on Afrin city centre as well as its Cindirêsê, Reco, Shera, Shêrawa and Mabata districts Saturday evening.

Following the aerial bombardment, Turkish soldiers attempted to cross the border through the rural areas of Baliyen village in Bilbile district. The attempt was foiled upon the retaliation of YPG/YPJ fighters.

On the other hand, Turkish warplanes bombed Mınıx military base east of Afrin.

Aerial attacks by Turkish jets left 10 civilians wounded in Afrin centre and districts. Three of those wounded are in critical conditions and two of them are children.


Reports suggest that Turkish jets launched their attacks with the approval of Russia. Turkish officials informed Russia before the aggression.


Dozens of Turkish warplanes started to bomb Afrin city centre and districts at 16:10 local time. The first attack targeted Afrin’s Ashrafiyah neighborhood, Aqbiye, Belilka, Hecika, Ayn Daqna, Beluniye villages and Mount Belil.

Attacks expanded after the first strike and Turkish jets shelled Kurdo, Shengiliye and Sheyxura villages in Raco district, Xezawiye and Kifera villages in Sherawa district and Hac Hesna village in Cindires region.