Military build-up by Turkish army on the Efrîn border

The invading Turkish army has positioned troops and weapons on the Efrîn border and continues the build-up, while Turkish army scout planes and fighter jets patrol the Efrîn area.

Ammunitions have been sent to the Turkish troops positioned around the Atme town in Idlib, on the Efrîn border. Military vehicles and ammunition have been sent to the areas under Jabhat Al Nusra and Faylaq Al Sham gangs’ control.

The dispatches have reportedly been distributed to the Bükülmez Outpost across from Efrîn’s Cindires district and military positions along the border, then the dispatch vehicles headed out to the Atmê town, and to Şêx Berekat Mountain and the Daritizê town.

As the dispatch continued, scout planes and fighter jets that belong to the invading Turkish army flew over the Efrîn region.