Turkish state bombs civilian areas in Afrin

The invading Turkish state continues targeting civilian settlements during its attacks against Afrin Canton of Northern Syria. Several villages and towns have been bombed since the launch of invasion operation on January 20.

Turkish warplanes shelled Derbalut village and Dewa Hill in Afrin’s Jindires district on Monday. Simultaneously with the bombardment, clash erupted between SDF fighters and Turkish invasion forces in Derbalut village.

In Jindires, the water treatment plant in Kefer Sefre village was targeted by artillery attacks. The water treatment plant in Metina village of Shera district had also been targeted and severely damaged by attacks previously.

The invading forces also attacked Miske village in Rajo district as well as Big Enherece and Small Enherece villages in Mabata district with artillery.

Attacks by the invading forces target civilians, civilian settlements and civilian sub-structure. At least 150 civilians lost their lives and hundreds of others got wounded in the attacks, while some neighborhoods were completely destroyed.

In Shera district, three residents of Omer Simo village were abducted by the gangs under the command of Turkish forces. The abducted villagers were identified as Mehmud Mihemed Xedro (46), Henif Welid Welo (42) and his wife Ceylan İmad Mihemed (33) and their aftermath is unknown. Turkish forces had been documented torturing civilians before.

The bombardments on Rajo demolished hundreds of houses, workplaces, school and bakery in the district, and severely damaged the civilian sub-structure. Agriculture centers, building of Kurdish Red Crescent Heyva Sor and healthcare centers were also demolished as a result of attacks, while the district market known as Trade Street fell into ruin.

In Jindires district, at least 200 of the total 400 houses in Jer neighborhood were completely destroyed as a result of Turkish airstrikes. The neighborhood is inhabited by Kurds and Arabs.