Two more young people murdered in Afrin

Dead bodies have been found of two young people who had been threatened by the mercenaries in Afrin.

The invading Turkish state and allied mercenaries continue committing crimes against humanity in Afrin. More cases of abduction, rape, seizure by violence, demand for ransom and massacres are coming out from occupied Afrin on daily basis.

Bodies of two young people, who had been missing for four days in Afrin's Sherawa district, have been found.

Local sources report that 17 years old Mihemmed Elî and 35 years old Arab citizen named Xelef, father of 3, who were living in the village of Birc Evdello in Sherawa, had been missing for 4 days. Bodies of both residents have been found in the pomegranate gardens in the village.

It has been learned that Xelef had taken shelter in Afrin, once a safe haven, after the civil war erupted in Syria.

According to a local source, Muhammed Eli and Xelef had been threatened by Turkish state affiliated Al Hamzat mercenaries a few days before they disappeared.