Plague of forced marriages at early age exposed

Plague of forced marriages at early age exposed

They are aged only 13, 14 and 15, but these girls have a story of pain and sufferance difficult to comprehend. They are already wives and mothers. Not for choice: nobody asked them their opinion of what they want to do in their life. Their families decided for them. They are many, this is a common story, not an isolate case. They are forced into early marriages, often with men much older than them. Often with men they don't know and certailnly don't want. The Turkish state forbid child marriages but the imams still officiate in order for a religious marriage ceremony to occur. The child-wives soon become mothers and nobody questioned these pregnancies at such an early ages. Pregnancies which are the result of what amounts to rape, or forced sex. But there is nobody acting for these children. It happens in Urfa and it is denounced every day by women' association and women fighting to stop forced marriages.