DEM Party wins all 14 municipalities in Van

The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) won all 14 municipalities in Van.

The DEM Party won all 14 municipalities in Van (Wan).  

Following the first trustees appointed to Wan Metropolitan Municipality and its districts in 2016, the governor changed three times in Van in the three years until the local elections held on 31 March 2019.

The winner of the local elections held on 31 March 2019 was the People's Democratic Party (HDP). However, only four months later, on 19 August 2019, the co-chairs were dismissed, and a trustee was appointed in their place.

On Sunday, however, the DEM Party won the elections with a large vote difference in Van Metropolitan Municipality and its 13 districts.

The 13 districts won by the DEM Party in Wan are as follows:

* Miks (Bahçesaray) 

* Elbak (Başkale)

* Ebex (Çaldıran) 

* Şax (Çatak) 

* Artemêtan (Edremit) 

* Erdîş (Erciş)

* Westan (Gevaş)

* Payîzava (Gürpınar) 

* Rêya Armûşê (İpekyolu) 

* Beğiri (Muradiye) 

* Qelqelî (Özalp) 

* Seray (Saray)

* Tûşba (Tuşba)