Xwebûn magazine: Women's Revolution is the enlightenment of humanity

The 19th issue of Xwebûn, a quarterly magazine of young women living in Europe, has been released with the headline “Women's Revolution is the enlightenment of humanity”.

The 19th issue of Xwebûn, a quarterly magazine by young women living in Europe, came out with the headline “Şoreşa jinê ronahiya mirovahiyê ye” (Women's Revolution is the enlightenment of humanity). The magazine covers issues such as the family institution used as an ideological apparatus by the state and the struggles of young women against it.

The magazine published its first issue in 2017. Addressing Kurdish and internationalist young women, the current issue of the magazine includes articles in Kurdish, German, Turkish and English. The relation between women and ecological issues are covered under the section of Amargî in the magazine. Amargi promotes natural and handmade products for women.

The content of the current issue of the magazine, which is published in three languages, is as follows:


-Malbatgerî pewîste li ser hîmê rêgeza azadiyê were careserkirin

-Jegliche Sklaverei beruht auf Hausfrauisierung


-Divê hun wate bidin meşa xwe ya li ser çiyan

-Familie - Die Wiege der Problematiken

-The family in the European context

-Familia - Kombuna xûlamyan?

-“Misch dich nicht in Männersache…”


-Revolution in der Familie

-Ax Bavo, Ax Ax!

ŞEHÎD (Martyr)

- Martyr Sarya Diyar und Martyr Ruken Zagros


-Heilbeeren für die Gesundheit


-Filmempfehlung: Secret Superstar."