HPG announces balance sheet of war for the month of June

The HPG announced the balance sheet of the war for the month of June, and stated that the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas carried out 45 actions and killed 44 Turkish soldiers. 10 guerrillas fell as martyrs in the invasion attacks.

The HPG Press Center announced the war balance sheet for the month of June.

The HPG said in a statement: “The Turkish state is a nation-state based on Turkism as a race and Sunnism as a sect. The fascist Turkish nation-state system aimed to eliminate all ethnic elements other than what it considers Turkishness, all beliefs other than the Sunnis, with the methods of genocide and assimilation, and committed brutal massacres while trying to Turkify and Sunnify all communities and peoples in Turkey. On 2 July 1993, our Alevi people were brutally murdered in Sivas. On the 30th anniversary of this massacre, we respectfully commemorate the lives of the martyrs of democracy who were killed in Sivas.”

Kurdistan freedom guerrillas fighting with determination

The HPG statement stated: “One of the most important targets of the Turkish attacks carried out to destroy the Kurdish people, is the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas. The guerrillas are constantly the target of the enemy attacks because of what they represent for the Kurdish people, their role in the legitimate defense of our people. They are guarantor of the cause of freedom and the leading force of our struggle. The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas are fighting with the Apoist self-sacrificing spirit everywhere from North Kurdistan to the Medya Defense Areas, with the awareness of their historical and current responsibility for our people's struggle for existence and freedom.”

Occupation attacks continued 

The statement added: “While the invading Turkish state continues its attacks in North Kurdistan and carries out extensive operations, it has continuously bombed the Medya Defense Areas from the air and from the ground. In June, North Kurdistan and Medya Defense Areas were bombed 127 times by warplanes, 40 times by combat helicopters, 2148 times by howitzers, tanks and heavy weapons. The enemy attacked our positions in the Resistance Areas 26 times with banned bombs and chemical weapons. It also tried to demolish our positions.

44 Turkish soldiers killed

Our forces, which maintained their position in the face of enemy attacks, switched to active action after 13 June and dealt significant blows to the invading Turkish army. In June, our forces carried out 45 actions, and as a result of these actions, 1 contra and 44 invaders were killed. In addition, 1 Reo type military vehicle, 1 mobesse camera system and 1 radar system were destroyed.”

Tribute to the martyrs

The statement paid tribute to “martyrs Xemgîn (Sami Özdemir), Bahoz (Ümit Korkmaz), Zîn (Dilan Gökalp), Mahsum (Vedat Ayhan), who were members of the provincial command in Amed. We also pay tribute to our comrades Asya (Kadriye Tetik), Azad (Thomass Johann Spiess), Koçer (Diyako Saidi), Zana, Zagros and Berxwedan who fell as martyrs in the Medya Defense Areas. The struggle for democracy and freedom, which we owe to our martyrs, will always be taken as a basis by us, our comrades, and the flag of struggle will be raised to victory.”