Baluchi human rights activist addresses Middle East and North Africa Youth Conference

Human rights activist from Baluchistan, Dr. Mahrang Baluch, participated in the Middle East and North Africa Youth Conference

Dr. Mahrang Baluch, a human rights activist from Baluchistan, participated in the Middle East and North Africa Youth Conference.

Dr. Mahrang started her message by greeting the conference and telling about the massacres of the Baluch people with examples from his own life. Dr. Mahrang stated that they, as Baluch people, are waiting for support for the Balochistan Freedom Struggle.

Dr. Mahrang Baluch said: "It is necessary not only to sympathize with those who struggle for justice and peace, but also to give them endless support. I salute all of you for your endless struggle and sacrifices."

The full text reads as follows:

"Dear young activists, I want to thank the organizing committee for giving me this opportunity to speak here. My name is Dr. Mahrang Baluch. I am a political activist and work for human rights. We are from Balochistan and a member of the Balochistan Solidarity Committee which is a human rights activist. We are fighting against Balochi genocide in a peaceful way. In 2023, the Balochistan solidarity committee held the longest march in the history of Balochistan and throughout the region to protest the genocide against the Baloch people. Now we are preparing for another national gathering against this genocide in July.

Dear friends, today I want to talk about a region, the pride of which the violence of occupation and power is echoed in the world, this is our country Balochistan. As the Baloch people, we are facing a genocide that continues in the 21st century and we are very sad that the world is silent. For 70 years, the young people, mothers, sisters and daughters of our countries have experienced the greatest tragedies. All over the world, people are raising their voice for the oppressed people, but unfortunately, no human rights organization is raising their voice for us, and the anti-war organizations are not talking about the violence that is being done to us. Today, when we talk about the suffering of the Baloch people, especially the kidnapping of people by the state. I believe that Balochistan is the region with the highest number of people kidnapped by the state. For the last 20 years, the Pakistani army and their intelligence have kidnapped thousands of Balochis. The most affected by these practices are young people, because they courageously raise their voice for their rights and do not remain silent against oppression. For this, Pakistan's army and intelligence are abducting our youth every day. In the last 20 years, their number has exceeded a thousand. Many Baluch youths have been missing for years without the government agencies notifying their families about whether they are alive or not. This terror is against the youth, teachers, journalists, poets, poets, artists, women, children and inventors. The pain of this is so great that words are not enough.

We have girls who have never met their father in their lives, because they were kidnapped before they were born, and they grew up without a father. We have hundreds of women whose spouses were abducted and after 10 years they still have no information about whether their spouses are alive or not. The state does not share. They either live or are killed. In order to truly understand this pain, one needs to see the families whose people were abducted. At this time, people understand that this is the worst pain in the world. I am also a victim of this policy; I was 13 years old when my father was kidnapped by the state. My brothers and sisters and I protested for my father's release, but instead we only carried his body. After being tortured, his body was thrown into a forest. The pain that we suffered as a family during this time cannot be expressed, and we are still affected by this to this day. I will never forget that moment when I saw my father's body in front of me.

Dear young people today, I believe that all oppressed peoples in the world, including the Baluch and the Kurds, who are facing genocide, are experiencing a common pain and are facing the same problems. We all go through genocide just because we continue to exist in our countries, because we want to live as free and independent people and seek peace and unity in our countries, when war is imposed on us. . I may be from Balochistan myself, but I consider the suffering of the Kurds and all oppressed peoples as my own. The difficulty we live in is common and our struggle is also common. Because of our common pain, our efforts to overcome this need to be united. We can put an end to this suffering through our struggle. In the darkest time, we must not give up on each other. We need to know the human power of conscience that transcends gender, nation. Amidst all the hardships, the youth of Balochistan keep the torch alive."