Helin Ümit says there is nothing to support the idea of a ‘process’ after Bahçeli's statements

PKK Central Committee member Helin Ümit said that the Kurdish people and the peoples of the region are going through very important times.

Speaking on a special program on Medya Haber television, PKK Central Committee member Helin Ümit said that the Kurdish people are going through a very important process and added: "This process is critical and very sensitive for the Kurdish people. Because it is the first time in recent centuries that they have had such an opportunity. For the first time, they have the opportunity to give their own identity, freedom and existence a status. Yes, the war is very heavy. There are very heavy attacks on us. There are dangers, and they are all very serious. But we also have the opportunity to win. We have leadership. We have a determination that will carry us to freedom. Let’s unite around this attitude, that is, around Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], around Leader Apo’s ideas, around his existence, let’s struggle and win."

Helin Ümit said that the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas are fighting a freedom war, and added: “I can say that we are in a very heavy war environment. Everyone should be aware of this. If Kurdish society, democratic people and the democratic forces in Turkey are going to make conscientious evaluations, they need to look at Imrali, and also at the guerrilla situation in the Media Defense Areas. They need to look at the war situation. There is incredible resistance in the Media Defense Areas. There is no army that can stand against us. There is an attack being carried out against society, land and freedom forces in Kurdistan based on its technical aspect. Everyone should know this very well.”

Helin Ümit added: "Firstly, I would like to convey our love and greetings to Leader Apo on behalf of our entire party structure. We have left the anniversary of the 9 October conspiracy behind. We continue the struggle in the 27th year [since the 1998 conspiracy]. I invite everyone to read all the political and military developments in light of the reality of the international conspiracy through the Imrali genocide system and the resistance of Leader Apo, who waged a unique struggle against it.

One of the most fundamental problems of the century we are in is the loss of meaning. The level of giving meaning to the life we ​​live and what we experience has weakened considerably. However, what makes a person human is the power of meaning. The Imrali genocide system and the struggle against it, the reality of Leader Apo actually invites us to this. In other words, it invites us to get knowledge, and in this sense, to freedom. It is probably Spinoza's expression, ‘understanding is freedom’. Leader Apo also addressed this in his defense. The more we deepen our power of meaning, the more accurately we can look at our own lives, our own lives as individuals, and the realities that revolve around us."


There is nothing concrete to talk about the beginning of a process

Helin Ümit spoke about the latest statements by MHP president Devlet Bahçeli, and said: "Everyone talks about a process, but it is not very clear what this process is. In fact, whether there is a process or not is debatable. One of the architects of genocidal politics in Turkey is [MHP president] Devlet Bahçeli. It is not normal for them to go and shake hands with the DEM Party at the opening of the parliament. Everyone wants to understand, and a debate is going on in Turkey to make sense of what is happening. There have been statements from the executives of our movement.

The picture that has emerged so far is as follows: we are faced with another special war game. There is nothing to support the idea of a ‘process’. It is not clear what we are witnessing. In fact, there are those who do not even want to call it a process. I can say this, it would be a mistake to expect good results from the initiative promoted by Devlet Bahçeli. I want to say this: in the MHP group meeting, Bahçeli said, ‘Let Abdullah Öcalan call for laying down arms.’ As the saying goes, Devlet Bahçeli is a person who will not even give away his sins for nothing. We need to know this. We should not try to praise Devlet Bahçeli like this. Some people do. [But] it is known where, when and how the MHP was founded, what roles it undertook."

Democratic political forces should be sensitive

Helin Ümit continued: "MHP is a Gladio party. It was founded by Alparslan Türkeş [the founder of the MHP], who went to America, came back, and then founded the party. He went to the U.S. and received Gladio training, and then founded it. Against whom was the MHP founded? It was founded against the enlightened, democratic, socialist youth of Turkey. And of course, it took on a role against the Kurdish people's struggle for freedom and existence. Making statements without knowing these facts, truly means not understanding anything about politics. In this sense, I especially invite democratic political forces to be sensitive.

Statements are being made, but there is neither good will nor seriousness. There is a game, a conspiracy. So you may ask, you may say, why [is this happening] at such a time? There are several reasons for this.

The first is that the world war intensifying in the region has become a threat to Turkey, and we have said this many times. We said that World War III would come, and it would come to Turkey. Only a historical Kurdish-Turkish peace can save Turkey. We have expressed this many times in various ways. Our movement has also made statements. I have left that aside, our Leader has his thesis. These are not secret, and we are talking about them anyway. What we say here are the truths that Leader Apo has revealed in his struggle to thwart the International Conspiracy.
