REPAK publishes dossier to mark 8th anniversary of genocide of the Yazidi people by ISIS

REPAK published a dossier on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the genocide of the Yazidi people at the hands of ISIS in the Shengal region.

REPAK (Kurdish Women's Relation Office) published a dossier to mark the 8th anniversary of the genocide of the Yazidi people at the hands of the Islamic State in the Shengal region.

In the introduction to the dossier, REPAK said that Shengal is still under attack, eight years after the ISIS genocide. "Shengal - said the dossier - came on the agenda with the genocidal attacks of ISIS. Until now, parliaments of different countries, especially the UN and the European Parliament, have recognised the massacre as genocide. Finally, the German Federal Parliament also unanimously recognised the attacks on Shengal as genocide. However, despite this, the attacks against Shingal and its people have not stopped. On the one hand, the Turkish state regularly attacks Shingal from the air and causes deaths of civilians. On the other hand, the Iraqi army attacks Shingal and tries to put into practice a treaty that the Shingal autonomous administration is not included in and which is not accepted by society."

The dossier can be downloaded here