What can art do in our world?

Kurdish art also takes its share in times of coronavirus. Film shooting and screenings stopped. Existing projects have been suspended. Theater plays cannot be performed in many places, especially in Rojava...

Due to the coronavirus, the world of art is also having a hard time. Cinema and theater halls are empty, rehearsals and shooting were postponed to uncertain dates. Concerts, tours and exhibitions were also postponed. 

Recession and uncertainty prevail in many other fields of the arts. Those who work in this world are thinking about what to do. When this coronavirus problem was added to the difficulties already existing in the art world, things became more complicated. In an environment, which we criticize as the public avoid it, the physical detachment from the public is at the risk of deepening even further.

Although TV and internet play a certain role as they provide a “new stage” albeit remaining far from giving the same ‘taste’ as the old stage, it is also true that these possibilities can be used in a limited way. Not everyone can show the same creativity. Not everyone is organized and this work demands technical skills and ability. Those sharing online concerts, exhibitions, old plays and movies, live performances, and even Şevbêrkler (let's translate this as night concerts) and new style studio-home clips continue their search.

Kurdish art also takes its share in times of coronavirus. 

Film shooting and screenings stopped. Existing projects have been suspended. Theater plays cannot be performed in many places, especially in Rojava. In many areas, especially in northern Kurdistan, the curfew imposed because of the virus has been added to already existing bans and curfews. 

On 27 March, world theater day was very acrid everywhere. We were able to settle for a few statements and articles. Music work is a bit more fortunate in our art world: There is time to assemble the clips that were shot before. Collective recordings and videos are produced by dozens of artists. Although it may be in earning, they do not leave people without art. With the spirit of solidarity and unity, getting to know the art of other peoples and promoting our art is an important job to do.

What can we do?

It is very important to use the digital and visual world effectively, clearly refraining from the Turkish private media paparazzi dimension. At the moment, there is an opportunity to watch Kurdish theater and cinema. We can watch old plays and movies on the internet. It would be good to open the existing archives to the portal of the world. Of course, going out to the balcony or from the window to sing is a nice thing, and this new way of performing - house and balcony art - was added to the existing street art.

In my opinion, this situation should provide us with a good period of self-questioning. There is a good environment for review and research. We can go into new productions by getting into a serious concentration, especially in language. 

We can improve our relationships in a more organized and structured way. We can act in a more planned way to counter social problems. We can use our newspapers and televisions more effectively. We can even set up an art newspaper on the internet. We can deliver our performance and experience to everyone through the internet channels. We can also widen our work academically. We can promote a new initiative on reading and writing. Audio books, radio plays, language lessons, you name it…

While doing all these, it is the duty of the whole art world to be more sensitive to social issues and to invite everyone to take responsibility for these new developments. 

Because the artists have always been in a resistance position. Let's be sensitive to every problem and express our reaction. Let's be organized, let’s organize. 

We are responsible for everything. From the bombing of Maxmur camp to the ‘twin family’ campaign promoted by the HDP, which aims to support our poor people; from the resistance in prison to the resistance in Rojava: Solidarity with all our people and the creation of a common spirit is possible with art and artists.

The world's demand for freedom is not a burden on our back, but a burden on our heart…

Note: As Şanoya Çiya, we started sharing some videos of our plays and work by opening a youtube channel called "şanogeh".