Women in Efrin

Women in Efrin

The western Kurdistan city of Efrin is recently witnessing a remarkable increase in the rate of women working at civil society organizations as well as political and military institutions.

Women have taken a key role in social, political and military areas since Kurds took the control of many cities and people formed self administrations in West Kurdistan one year ago. Having already been playing an active part in all areas of life, women have also become the symbol of freedom and coexistence ever since.

According to a survey recently conducted in the city of Efrin, 65 percent of the labour force in the city is constituted by women working at parliamentary, committee and service institutions. The survey has also revealed that women constitute 70 percent of the Kurdish Language Institution (SZK) and the Association of Teachers staff, and 55 percent of the employees at 44 establishments in the city.

Women in West Kurdistan also have a remarkable part in public security and safety, making up 70 percent of the Revolutionary Youth's Movement and managing their own public order unit in the city.

Women have an essential role in rural areas as well, making up the 56 percent of the agricultural labour in Efrin city and surrounding areas.

Their role in the protection of West Kurdistan is also of importance, militants of the West Kurdistan Women's Defense Units (YPJ) alongside People's Defense Units (YPG) are taking place at all fronts in the fight against armed gang groups.