PUK: Terrorist groups are deployed in Germiyan region

PUK Presidency Council Member Salar Mahmoud said that the events in Germiyan and Kirkuk have evolved into a political crisis and that if the problems are not solved, major disasters may occur.

Member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Presidency Council, Salar Mahmud, made a statement regarding the recent situation in Kirkuk and Germiyan.

Salar Mahmud said, "Several terrorist groups are stationed in and around Germiyan. Armed groups should be formed in Kirkuk and Salahaddin against them and security forces should be made ready. Because these terrorist groups can cause great damage to the people and the region."            

Salar Mahmoud noted that citizens have been complaining for days that "these gangs have been burning their wheat" and continued: "They want to create confusion among the components. As PUK, we insist on the establishment of local governments in Diyala, Salahaddin and Kirkuk. When these problems concern the Kurdistan Region, the authorities do not share the facts with the parties. However, PUK is the leading party in Kirkuk. KDP and all other parties should coordinate with us so that we can establish a local government here."

Salar Mahmoud stated the following about the Governor of Kirkuk, who has not yet been determined: "The governor of Kirkuk must be Kurdish. Some political parties continue to advertise and insist on the appointment of an Arab governor in Kirkuk. PUK and KDP should agree on this issue so that some mistakes of the past can be compensated for."