PUK: Turkey's sole aim is to disrupt Iraq’s security and stability

The PUK faction in the Iraqi parliament stated that the presence of the occupying Turkish state in South Kurdistan and Iraq is against sovereignty rights and international laws and said, "Turkey's sole aim is to disrupt the security and stability of the c

The PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) group in the Iraqi Parliament made a statement denouncing the ever-increasing attacks and military activities of the Turkish state in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

"In recent days, the Turkish army has been carrying out operations in the Kurdistan Region, causing great damage to the property of the citizens and leading to local people’s victimisation and reactions.

"We condemn these violations of the Turkish army against the Kurdistan Region and Iraqi territory. What is happening jeopardises the security of the country and the people and constitutes a violation of international law," the statement said.

Reacting to the silence of Baghdad and Hewlêr (Erbil), the PUK Group said: "The silence of the Iraqi and Kurdistan Region governments against the large-scale operations of the Turkish army in the Kurdistan Region will undermine the confidence of the people and the international community."

The statement continued: "The reason for the continuation of the violations of sovereignty is Iraq's failure to stabilise and respond to these attacks and violations. In this context, we call on the federal government, in coordination with the government of the Kurdistan Region, to take action to put an end to such violations of sovereignty, as Turkey is currently doing. Turkey's sole aim is to disrupt the security and stability of the country and violate Iraq's sovereignty."