Iranian authorities hand down new prison sentences to five female activists

It was reported that Iranian authorities have handed down new prison sentences to five female prisoners, including Pakshan Azizi, Warisha Moradi and Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi.

According to a statement made by the Pakshan Azizi Freedom Campaign, female prisoners in Evin Prison have been punished with additional prison sentences .

In a statement, the campaign said that the 2nd Criminal Court in Tehran, chaired by Judge Ebulfazıl Amiri, handed down new sentences to five female prisoners.

It was reported that Pakshan Azizi, Warisha Moradi, Mahbube Rezayi and Narges Mohammadi were each given an additional 6 months in prison on charges of ‘Failure to Comply with Decisions’.

Moradi has been on an indefinite hunger strike since 10 October, the World Day against the Death Penalty. 

It was reported that Periweş Muslim was given a 3-month and 1-day sentence on charges of ‘Breaking Up Prison Security’.