ISIG says that at least 163 workers lost their lives in occupational homicides in April

ISIG reported that at least 163 workers, including 5 children, lost their lives in occupational homicides in April.

The Occupational Health and Safety Observatory (ISIG) published its report on occupational homicides for the month of April. According to the report, at least 163 workers lost their lives in workplace homicides in April. The report added that 5 of the 163 workers who lost their lives were children and 8 were 65 years old and over.

A total of 597 workers lost their lives in occupational homicides in the first four months of 2024.

Istanbul was the city with the highest number of workplace homicides with 46 deaths, Antalya, where 7 workers lost their lives, came second, and Sakarya, where 6 workers lost their lives, third.

ISIG dedicated its April report to the 30 workers who lost their lives after a fire broke out at the Masquerade nightclub in Beşiktaş, in Istanbul.

The report pointed out that no inspection was carried out after the fire brigade report received in 2016 and said: “The Masquerade Club employer and the subcontractor owners who carried out the renovation did not take the necessary precautions. Relevant units of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, that is, the central administration, Beşiktaş Municipality and the relevant units of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, that is, the local administration, have not carried out the necessary inspections and sanctions (as per the licenses and reports issued). They are, therefore, responsible for this workplace murder that occurred because they turned a blind eye."

Causes of death

The report included the cause of deaths of the workers: 35 lost their lives due to crushing and collapse; 32 workers due to poisoning, drowning; 27 due to traffic and service accidents; 16 workers due to heart attack, brain haemorrhage; 13 workers due to falling from height; 13 workers due to violence; 7 due to electric shock; 6 due to suicide; 4 due to cuts and ruptures; 3 due to object impact or falling, and 7 due to other reasons.