Peace Mothers: We want justice for our children

Peace Mothers, who travelled from Istanbul to Ankara to meet with the Turkish Minister of Justice, reacted against the police prevention and said, "We mothers only want our children. We want justice."

A group of Peace Mothers traveled from Istanbul to Ankara to meet with the Minister of Justice with the demand "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan". The Kurdish leader, who is held in total isolation in İmrali Island Prison in the Sea of Marmara, has not been heard from for the past 38 months.

The group moved to the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice, calling for the demands of political prisoners to be answered. The protest launched on 27 November 2023 by political prisoners from the PKK and PAJK in the form of a hunger strike for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish question reached a new level with the transformation of the hunger strike into a communication boycott on 4 April.

The mothers prevented by the police made a statement in front of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Headquarters, accompanied by the DEM Party deputies.

Speaking here, Cemile Karakaş said that eight Peace Mothers wanted to meet with the Minister of Justice, but the police prevented them. Karakaş said, "Now what should we call this situation? We named our meeting 'Justice'. We don't want anything but justice. We mothers only want our children. All Peace Mothers are here with the same demand."

Cemile Karakaş demanded that the demands of their children be answered and that they be allowed to meet with their children. Karakaş stated that they have not heard from their children for about a month and a half and said, "We want to hear from our children. We want to see our children safe and sound."

The Peace Mothers then moved to the Turkish parliament with DEM Party MPs to make an appointment with the Turkish Minister of Justice.