Political prisoner Şefik Esen dies in hospital

The prisons in Turkey have become places where the rights of political prisoners are systematically violated. The threat to seriously ill prisoners is even more serious.

Şefik Esen (36), imprisoned in Afyon Bolvadin T Type Closed Prison, died in Eskişehir Osmangazi University Hospital where he was being treated for 40 days.

According to the information received, Şefik Esen's body will be buried in the village of Beşpınar in the Çınar district of Amed.

Esen was imprisoned in December last year on the allegation of "making propaganda for an illegal organisation" and suffered from many chronic illnesses.

Hundreds of other political prisoners are in danger of death and are not released despite being unfit for detention due to politically motivated reports from the Institute of Forensic Medicine. According to Dilek Sönmez Demir, co-chair of the Solidarity Association of Relatives of Prisoners in the Marmara Region (MATUHAYDER), "the government wants to paralyze the Kurdish people by making an example of the political prisoners. It is as if it were saying that Kurds have no right to life."

According to the Human Rights Association (IHD), 78 prisoners died in custody in 2022 and at least 42 in 2023. While protests and demands for the release of ill prisoners are ignored, coup-fascist military officers have been pardoned by Tayyip Erdoğan due to their health and age. This openly shows the double standards of the Turkish prison system.