Political prisoners in Bolu F Type Closed jail subjected to torture

It was reported that political prisoners in Bolu F Type Closed Prison were subjected to severe torture and their personal belongings, including their clothes, were confiscated.

Raziye Eksik, who went to visit her son Bayram, talked about the inhuman practices that her son was subjected to.

Bayram Eksik was arrested in Mersin in 2012 on charges of being "member of a terrorist organization" and was sentenced to 36 years (aggravated life imprisonment).

Eksik has been subjected to systematic pressure in Bolu F Type High Security Prison for 9 years.

Raziye Eksik had a visit with her 32-year-old son on 4 October.

She said that before being transferred to Bolu, her son had stayed in Adana Kürkçüler Prison and Kırıkkale F Type Prison.

Eksih said that her son had appendicitis surgery as a result of being subjected to severe torture during his stay in Kırıkkale Prison, and that he was hospitalized for a month in Ankara.

She said: “During the visit, most of the detainees were sluggish, their hands were shaking and they were very pale. When I asked my son, he said that they did not give the meals that should be given. They only gave 2 meals and leftovers from breakfast for dinner.”

Explaining that they are not allowed to go out for sports, Eksik said: “My son said that there was a lot of pressure on them and that they raided the wards at night and took their books, notebooks and all their clothes. They just left then with the clothes they were wearing.”

Raziye Eksik said that if the intense pressure continues, her son and her ward friends will start a hunger strike and added: “They went on hunger strike before to have their demands met, there is a lot of pressure on them. My son has spent his life in prison. Let's put an end to this pressure on our children. I also have a hard time getting to the visit, the prison is too far, I have diabetes and high blood pressure. I was sick for a week after the visit.”

Eksik said that her son and his ward friends also shaved their heads for Jina Mahsa Amini, who was murdered by the "morality police" in Iran, and saluted the resistance of the Iranian people.