Süleyman Deprem: Alawites should organize on the basis of self-defense

Süleyman Deprem, one of the leaders of the Sinemilli Seedbed, said that it is necessary for Alawites to create a political, social, and religious organization based on self-defense and focused on awareness.

Süleyman Deprem, one of the leaders of the Sinemilli Seedbed, told ANF that Turkey has been continuing its hostility towards Kurds and Alawites by exploiting the chaos in Syria and described Kurdish resistance as a beacon of hope.

Deprem said that Turkey is striving to exploit the chaos in Syria to serve its policy of hostility towards Kurds. He pointed out that the hostility toward Alawites in the Islamic world is completely rooted in the Alawite philosophy of stateless, communal life, and added: "The Alawite principle of shared resources, peace, and love is not in the interest of states that are based on capitalist private property systems.

Therefore, Alawite hostility has existed as a continuous issue in the Middle East throughout history. Today, this hostility manifests itself through the situation in Syria. The fact that ISIS and similar groups in Syria have toppled or seized control of parts of the government does not mean that the chaos in Syria has ended. This chaos will continue."

Kurds will not surrender to this uncertainty

Deprem highlighted Turkey's efforts to escalate its hostility towards both Kurds and Alawites in Syria, and added that the growing role of Kurds as a global actor has alarmed the state. "While the state is engaging in negotiations with the Kurds, it simultaneously continues its threats.  It would be naive to think that the Kurdish movement will surrender to this uncertainty."

Alawites have been d​​​​​​​isplaced​​​​​​​ from their land

Emphasizing that the primary reason behind the attacks on Alawites is the systematic fragmentation of their land, language, and religious unity, Deprem stated: "Alawites, who were once able to freely practice their rituals on their own land, were forcibly displaced, especially after the exile policies implemented following the September 12 coup.

The lack of organization among Alawites is contributing to the increase in these attacks.  It is essential for Alawites to build a political, social, and religious organization based on self-defense and affirmation, as they did during the times of Sheikh Bedrettin, Kalender Çelebi, and Pir Sultan throughout history. The advancement of the Kurdish struggle could lay the foundation and serve as a beacon of hope for transforming this dark reality into a more positive one."