Police terror in Iran against women who “doesn't veil themselves well” has reached a new form. Police will be recording the “incompletely covered” women on the streets and present these recordings as evidences to courts to make them be punished. According to Ilna news agency, Tehran Security Forces Commander Sacedi Niya has stated that the women who don’t wear the veil in accordance with Sharia laws will be recorded on videos and taken to court. Niya said; “The officers will record the women who commit the crime of incompletely covering themselves. If they are questioned where the 'incident' occurred, they will be called for declaration by vice squad office. Tehran police chief added the following words; “All phases will be documented. Videos and photographs will be added to their files for not giving them any possibility to deny. Evidences will be shown in the court.”
Informing about the state organs applying pressure on women, Niya stated; “The cultural matters will be handled by cultural officers. All related 22 organs must take precautions about the covering and chastity.
The pressure of the Iran regime on women has been hardened.
At his speech in the previous days to Fars news agency, Meþhed General Attorney had said that the women under Iran regime who oppose the Islamic wearing style will be fined up to 13 million Riyal (1300 dollars) cash fine.
The attorney indicated that 2 women were given 1000 dollars fine and many others were given 500 dollar cash fine in Meþhed city in the last 2 weeks and warned; “Those who oppose the law and make difficulties at the security forces will be given also 16 month imprisonment sentence."
Tehran is the first city in terms of number of women questioned or detained by police on streets on the grounds of not covering themselves completely.
Translator: Berna Ozgencil