19-year-old member of DEM Party Youth Council tortured by Turkish soldiers with pliers

DEM Youth Council member Brindar Gezici was tortured with an iron bar and pliers for two days by Turkish soldiers in Doğubayazıt, Ağrı.


Brindar Gezici, a member of the DEM Party's Youth Council, was detained on March 7 at his home in Doğubayazıt district of Ağru and tortured for two days by military and village guards. On March 9, the 19-year-old teenager was arrested and transferred to Ağrı Closed Prison.

His sister Şerzan Gezici, who was able to visit him in prison on Tuesday, stated "My brother was detained in Doğubayazıt and tortured so badly on the way that he fell unconscious. At the police station, water was poured over his head and he regained consciousness. There he was beaten again with an iron bar by soldiers and village guards. Finally, his fingers were crushed with pliers. He was battered on his head, legs and nose several times with a rifle. When I visited him, he could barely stand on his feet.”

Gezici described the mistreatment of her brother as a concrete example of the Turkish state's treatment of Kurds: "What was done to my brother reflects the state's view of the Kurdish people. These photos show the hatred, racism and anger of the state. Both as a family and as Kurdish people, we do not accept this state of affairs. We denounce the state’s torture system and will use all legal remedies."