27 people sent to prison after 1 May

27 people who were taken into custody for resisting while trying to go to Taksim were sent to prison.

During house raids carried out in Istanbul on 21 May, 27 people were taken into custody on the grounds that they resisted police attempts to stop them going from Saraçhane Park to Taksim on 1 May.

Among those detained were members of the Workers' Party of Turkey (TIP), Revolutionary Youth, Socialist Assemblies Federation (SMF), Social Freedom Party (TÖP), Labor Movement Party (EHP), Socialist Workers' Party (SEP), Socialist Assemblies Initiative (SMI) and journalist Ali Kadir Güler from the paper Patika.

27 people, whose procedures at the prosecutor's office were completed, were referred to the Istanbul Courthouse Criminal Court of Peace in Çağlayan with a request for arrest on Thursday. The judgeship sent the 27 people to prison on charges of "resisting the police" and "violating the law on meetings and demonstrations".