Ballot boxes to be moved in Mardin too

In Mardin, 143 ballot boxes where the HDP had won 73% of the vote are being moved.

The Supreme Board of Elections (Yüksek Seçim Kurumu - YSK) has decided to move and combine 143 ballot boxes in 90 residential areas in Mardin and its districts for the June 24 snap elections.

The ballot boxes to be moved “for security reasons” had a total of 73% HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party - Halkların Demokratik Partisi) votes in the June 7 elections in 2015, and the move will affect 6.706 voters.

HDP Mardin Election Coordination member Felek Fidan spoke to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) and pointed out that in the areas where the ballots are being moved, the HDP is the first party with very high percentages of the vote won. Fidan said voting had been completed without any problems in the previous elections in these areas, and added: “So why are they moving the ballot boxes now, for ‘security’?” Fidan pointed out that the voters are being suppressed: “And this shows that the YSK is acting in favor of the AKP.”


Fidan stressed that the practice is done to push the HDP below the 10% threshold, and that the decision will bring about certain irregularities on election day. Fidan said they formed commissions so all voters can exercise their free will to vote: “We are working ballot by ballot. We will use all our resources so voters can cast their votes.”

Fidan concluded with, “Despite all the pressure and obstacles, the people will go to the ballots and defend their votes.”