Cooperation between Turkey and KDP confessed on TRT News

Can Acun, one of the Foreign Policy Directors of SETA, confessed on TRT News the co-operation between the Turkish state and the KDP.

The Turkish state’s invasion attacks against Southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) continue, as well as military deployments to the region. While the Turkish Republic is working hard to prevent any counter reaction against the annexation practices in the region, it has mobilised the entire warmongering media.

Daily broadcasts legitimise the Turkish operations and incriminate the PKK, with one of the main aims being to prevent legal and diplomatic problems. An intense effort is being made to this end.

One of these efforts took place on the state-run TRT News yesterday. Can Acun, one of the Foreign Policy Directors of SETA, who participated in the TRT News program, spoke about the Turkish state's occupation attempts in Southern Kurdistan.

Giving information about the activities of the special forces of the KDP in the occupied areas together with the Turkish troops, Acun talked about the occupation activities of the Turkish state in many areas, especially Garê in the Medya Defence Zones.

Acun did not forget to mention Shengal, the "Development Road Project" and Rojava, and the most striking confession was what he said about the KDP, the ruling party in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Trying to legitimise the invasion attacks of the Turkish army in the region, Acun said, "At the moment, while the Turkish army is advancing, we see that the peshmerga are giving us more logistical support."  He also admitted that the KDP was evacuating villages.

In addition, Acun tried to distort the Turkish state's bombing of the points belonging to the KDP forces in Sergelê in the past days by saying "The PKK did it". He also showed how the Turkish Republic uses the special warfare methods applied in Kurdistan by stating that there is a tension between the PKK and the KDP. 

While the Turkish army's occupation and annexation under the leadership of the KDP has been voiced many times by the public, the KDP constantly used a language accusing the PKK. Acun's evaluations once again clarified the questions of who- where and how much- is involved in the occupation and annexation operations in Kurdistan, standing as a confession of the facts.