64 intellectuals from Eastern Kurdistan have issued a declaration against the Turkish state’s invasion of Rojava over Jarablus and called on everybody to fight this invasion.
The intellectuals pointed out that the Turkish state has tried to dissolve the Rojava revolution by supporting ISIS for years, and has launched a straight out invasion when that failed, and called for all peoples and supporters of freedom to unite around this struggle to turn the Rojava revolution into a Middle East revolution.
The declaration states that the Turkish state has used allied gang organisations like Nureddin Zengi, Sultan Murat, Siqur El Cebel and Feyleq Şam against the Rojava revolution under the guise of fighting ISIS for years, and has launched an invasion on Rojava along with ISIS when this plan failed.
Intellectuals from Eastern Kurdistan have stressed the importance of the Rojava revolution for the future of Syria and the Middle East, warned that it is facing great threats in that colonialist, fascist and regressive forces have agreed on disbanding this revolution and stated that the danger can only be overcome by a united struggle.
The declaration included the following call:
“All these forces are in search of a way to stop a solution and peace developing in Syria and Rojava. but if we want out of this chaos, if we want to support the Rojava revolution, we need to come together in a united voice.
We must absolutely strengthen the fighting front so the Rojava revolution can overcome threats and achieve its goals. Rojava must not be left alone.
To this end, we call on everybody on the side of freedom to support Rojava. We must protect the Rojava revolution with moral and material support, with rallies and demonstrations, with our songs, poems and films.”
The signatories are as follows:
Abbas Velî
Kamran Metîn
Seylî Qefar
Hesen Mortezevî
Mohemed Maljou
Pervîz Sêdaqet
Morad Ferhad Pour
Salêh Nejefî
Kemal Xosrevî
Ekber Mesoum Beygî
Foad Taban
Jêlve Jevahêrî
Şadî Emîn
Gona Seîd
Pervîn Erdelan
Ava Homa
Sebrî Behmenî
Mehîn Şokrolahî
Seher Dînarvend
Kejal Alî
Golrox Qobadî
Pervîn Bextiyar Nêjad
Beyan Azîzî
Kawe Benaî
Mohemed rêza Şalgounî
Mohsên Hekîmî
Borhan Ezîmî
Nejmedîn Qolamî
Mensour Teyfourî
Haşim Ehmed Zade
Zerdeşt Nouredîn
Velîd Omer
Osman Mozeiyen
Şahêd Elevî
Zaniyar Omranî
Sebah Nesrî
Sasan Emjedî
Maziyar Tataî
Erselan Reyhanzade
Nadêr Fetourêçî
Mohemed Rezaîrad
Bêhzad Gorjî
Nîma Ïsapour
Areş Veysî
Reza Alîpour
Hadî Xêredmend
Teymour Eliyasî
Emîr Kiyanpour
Kawe Daroşefa
Hejîr Plasçî
Fereydoun Teymourî
Hêsam Selamet
Roqeye Rezaî
Abas Şerabî
Tahêr Xedîv
Younis Qorbanîfer
Elvar Qolîvend
Mîlad Poştîvan
Dilêr Kemanger
Ferzane Jelalî
Fatême Kerîmî
Hawjîn Beqalî
Someye Rostempour
Efsane Bêhêştîzade