Guerrilla Şerzan Kato, a child of Kurdistan

Mazlum Duman uses the name of Şerzan Kato in the guerrilla. He showed great resistance against the enemy who oppressed his family and people and joined the caravan of martyrs in Botan.

Kurdistan is a land that has been persecuted by the oppressors for centuries but never bowed to the enemy. In Kurdistan, children grow up with resistance because they grow up listening to the cruelty of the enemy and the epics of the Kurdish heroes who fight against it. And after they live with the reality of what they listen to.

Children grow up quickly in Kurdistan; they mature quickly because of the enemy reality and begin to take part in the valiant stories they listen to. One of those who lived these stories is Şerzan Kato.

There is a non-surrender date in Kurdistan. We listen to the memories of the guerrilla, following the snowdrops in the blizzards. Sometimes he cannot find a word to express what happened, but memories that voice the truth bring within them the future. The date is recorded. It is the world of the guerrilla that meets its source. Everyone becomes a part of the country and falls on this land ...

Growing up with the suffering of a country whose enemies want to end, Mazlum Duman was born in Şırnak in 1993.

After the fascist Turkish state burned and plundered his village, he had to emigrate and moved to Mardin with his family.

Mazlum, who has always been active joined the guerrilla ranks in 2012 in order to avenge his brother's arrest by fascist forces and to wage a greater war against the persecution of the Kurdish people.

He demonstrated great resistance against the enemy who persecuted his family and people on the free peaks of the mountains. In the guerrilla, Şerzan took the name Kato. Because of his altruistic and courageous qualities, every comrade would want to go on a mission with him.

Having spent most of his time reading President Ocalan's books in order to strengthen his ideology, Şerzan shared what he had learned with his comrades looking for answers to "how to be, how to live" and shared his contradictions with his comrades without hesitation.

Guerrilla Şerzan joined the caravan of martyrs in 2019 in Botan, his last place of duty.