Guerrilla holds the enemy to account in the spirit of 14 July

On the anniversary, the Kurdistan guerrilla is organising effective actions in the spirit of the martyrs of 14 July and holding the enemy to account.

While the PKK has reached its current level with the culture of the martyrs’ struggle, in this culture each martyr is the pioneer of new and greater breakthroughs. With the promise given to the 14 July martyrs, the 15 August Breakthrough was realised. With the spirit of Commander Agit, the guerrillas spread the freedom struggle all over Kurdistan. Today, the resistance of Mazlum Doğan, Kemal Pir, M. Hayri Durmuş, Akif Yılmaz and Ali Çiçek is also saluted with actions in the Medya Defence Zones.

On the anniversary of the resistance of the PKK's leading cadres in Amed dungeon, the comrades of the commanders of this resistance commemorate them with their actions. On 10 July, in Girê Bahar resistance area, HPG and YJA Star snipers shot down a Sikorsky type helicopter. The Turkish army helicopter, which was set to land on Bahar Hill and target the guerrillas there, became the target of the guerrillas. The heavily hit helicopter lost all its capability and crashed. This potential of the guerrilla force and its effective use of new tactics and techniques increases the enthusiasm of the people. The guerrilla eliminates the limits of war with the limited means at its disposal. It fights with the signs of the road to victory in the sky, underground and in the field. The new war style of the guerrillas and the new techniques and tactics developed at the speed of light cause the Turkish war cabinet to change the war programme day by day.

The surprises developed by the guerrilla war once again revealed that their calculations did not go as planned.

The avengers of the Amed dungeon are expertly waging a war of victory.

The guerrilla forces are improving themselves every day in the new style of warfare and are becoming more and more specialised in military methods. By specialising in battle tactics and special techniques... In addition to military knowledge, the guerrilla forces have gained impressive depth in the art of war. It has embodied its military culture and way of life.

This style, called the modern guerrilla, frustrates all the attacks of the invaders with its stance, movement and attack style. The guerrilla acts on the principle of "A war and action that does not result in success is not our war and action".

The guerrilla, who has set its heart on success and organised itself in a modern way, thus achieves effective striking power and proves that it is an unstoppable force. Taking positions everywhere, planning the right actions and striking the enemy effectively gives both courage and great hope of success to its people.