HPG guerrilla Ereb calls on Arab young people to support the struggle

HPG guerrilla Şiyar Ereb, who fought in the Metina resistance against the Turkish invasion attacks, addressed the Arab people and said: “Arab people must support this honorable struggle."

Arab HPG guerrilla Şiyar Ereb spoke to ANF about the war in Metina against the Turkish state's invasion attacks on guerrilla base areas.

Guerrilla Şiyar Ereb said: “In these last years, in particular, the Turkish state has launched genocidal attacks against the Kurdish people. It is carrying out heavy attacks everywhere to prevent Abdullah Öcalan's ideas from spreading in the Middle East. Turkey attacks democratic and free society. We are now on the battlefield in Metina. The occupying Turkish state also carried out very heavy attacks in this area. The purpose of these attacks is to establish sovereignty in the region. They want to do this through the forces they partner with in South Kurdistan. We approached this situation with great sensitivity in order not to cause the enemy to achieve his goal."

'I am happy and proud to join the guerrillas'

Guerrilla Ereb added: “As a member of the brother Arab nations, I now take my place in the Free Movement. I joined the guerrillas to respond to enemy attacks. I am very happy and proud of this. The enemy attacks have intensified. We turned to the battlefields to respond to these attacks. Genocidal wars are being waged everywhere. The occupying Turkish state has activated its intelligence everywhere and is carrying out attacks. Like every freedom fighter, I want to stand and fight against these attacks. We will resist until we fulfil our defensive duty and defeat the invading forces.”

Şiyar Ereb said that Arab people should support this struggle and added: “Arab peoples must support this honorable struggle. Our young people need to join this struggle and fight against fascism."