HPG pays tribute to guerrillas Serhildan Kurdo and Fîraz Arjîn

Guerrillas Serhildan Kurdo and Fîraz Arjîn were killed in Van. According to the HPG, the guerrillas were seriously injured in an attack by the Turkish army at the beginning of June but refused to surrender.

Guerrillas Serhildan Kurdo and Fîraz Arjîn were killed in Van-Başkale (Wan-Elbak) on 4 June. The Press Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) said in a statement that they were injured in an attack by the Turkish army in the Masîro area but refused to surrender to the enemy and be taken prisoner.

The HPG expressed its condolences to the relatives and the Kurdish people. The HPG statement provides the following information about guerrillas Serhildan Kurdo and Fîraz Arjîn:

 Code name: Serhildan Kurdo

 First and last name: Rebwar Emînî

 Place of birth: Merîwan

 Mother and father's names: Mesture - Rahim

 Date and place of death: June 4, 2024 / Wan

 Code name: Fîraz Arjîn

 First and last name: Barzan Numaş

 Place of birth: Wan

 Mother and father's names: Kibar - Bayram

 Date and place of death: June 4, 2024 / Wan

Serhildan Kurdo

Serhildan Kurdo came from Rojhilat, eastern Kurdistan, and was born in Merîwan. He grew up conscious of his Kurdish identity in an environment sympathetic to the freedom movement and was interested in the PKK from a young age. The oppression in Kurdistan made him angry, and he studied law to fight for justice in this way. Because he felt this commitment was insufficient, he became more involved with the Kurdish liberation movement. In 2015, impressed by the resistance against ISIS in Rojava and Shengal, he joined the guerrillas in the Qendîl Mountains. There he took part in basic training for new fighters and then went into practice.

In 2017, he completed specialized military training, after which, at his own persistent request, he went to the Serhed region in Bakur, northern Kurdistan. He was aware of the difficult circumstances in the region and continued his struggle in a militant manner.

The HPG describe Serhildan Kurdo as a revolutionary person who constantly continued his education and was known for his close connection with his fellow fighters and his military competence. “By anchoring Apoism in his personality, he left us an indelible legacy,” said the HPG.

Fîraz Arjîn

Fîraz Arjîn was born in Van and belonged to the Xelîlan tribe. He grew up with the Kurdish culture and language and experienced oppression by the Turkish state at a young age. Because people from his environment joined the guerrillas, he sympathized with the PKK at an early age and dreamed of one day fighting for freedom in the mountains himself.

During his school days, he steadfastly resisted state-imposed assimilation. He was arrested because of his participation in protests. He followed the Rojava revolution with great interest. The ISIS attack on Rojava in 2014 and the brutal suppression of the resistance for self-government in Bakur in the following years were the deciding factors in his decision to join the armed struggle and stop the genocide in Kurdistan.

He went to the mountains in Bakur and joined the guerrillas. The first encounter with the guerrillas had a formative influence on him. He was impressed by the warm and sincere way they treated each other. He went to the Medya Defense Areas for his basic training, then he took part in practical work in Qendîl. He took on various tasks with great motivation and contributed, among other things, to the construction of infrastructure and the expansion of tunnel systems.

At his own request, he was trained in the professional use of heavy weapons. At the same time, he read Abdullah Öcalan. He then went into battle in Bakur with great determination and came to Serhed, where he fought until the end.