HPG pays tribute to martyrs Murat, Xemgîn and Artêş

The HPG announced the deaths of three guerrilla fighters. Qehreman Murat from Bakur, Rûbar Xemgîn from Rojhilat and Fîraz Artêş from Rojava. They died in September 2022 while resisting the Turkish invasion of Metîna.

The press center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) announced the deaths of three guerrillas, Qehreman Murat from Northern Kurdistan, Rûbar Xemgîn from Rojhilat and Fîraz Artêş from Rojava. They fell martyrs in September 2022 while resisting the Turkish invasion of Metîna.

The HPG expressed condolences to the relatives and people of Kurdistan and provided the following information about the identity of the martyrs:

 Codename: Qehreman Murat

 First and last name: Orhan Demir

 Place of birth: Riha

 Names of mother and father: Xanim – Hacı Bekir

 Date and place of death: 30/09/2022, Metîna

 Codename: Rûbar Xemgîn

 First and last name: Mihemed Direwş

 Place of birth: Makû

 Names of mother and father: Ayşe – Enwer

 Date and place of death: 30/09/2022, Metîna

Code name: Fîraz Artêş

 First and last name: Muhammed Heliç

 Place of birth: Kobanê

 Names of mother and father: Xezal – Minih

 Date and place of death: 30/09/2022, Metîna

Qehreman Murat

Qehreman Murat was born and raised in Hilvan (Curnê Reş) in the province of Urfa (Riha). The region played an important role in the early days of the Kurdish freedom movement in the late 1970s, so Qehreman knew about the PKK as a child. His family lived from agriculture, and he worked in his parents' business from an early age.

In 2011, he went to the mountains and joined the guerrillas. He received basic training in the Qandîl region and quickly adjusted to his new life. The collective way of life and the camaraderie among each other impressed him, and he showed great commitment to be part of this free life. With his mature and humble personality and his constant thirst for knowledge, he took on various tasks in Qandîl after his training. When his cousin Serhed (Murat Demir) died in battle in Erzurum in 2012, he wanted to fight on the front line. Due to the existing need in his area of work, his proposal was initially rejected. He underwent further ideological training and then fought against ISIS in the region between Maxmur and Kerkuk.

After returning to the Medya Defense Areas, Qehreman entered a military academy to improve his skills in modern guerrilla warfare. Afterward, he was in Metîna and passed on his findings to his fellow fighters. He showed great care and went into every detail. When the Turkish army attacked Metîna in 2021, he was one of the first to bravely and selflessly resist. In September 2022, he died along with Fîraz and Rûbar in an action against the enemy.

Rûbar Xemgîn

Rûbar Xemgîn was born in Makû and grew up with Kurdish culture. He knew about the PKK from a young age through his social environment. Although he knew little about the goals and content of the freedom movement at the time, he felt an emotional closeness to the guerrillas. To help support his family, he worked in construction and took on other jobs. Work had a high value throughout his life.

When the freedom guerrillas entered a new phase of struggle in 2010 with the strategy of revolutionary people's war and carried out effective actions against the Turkish state in North Kurdistan, Rûbar was impressed. His acquaintances joined the guerrillas and his close relative Diyana Dersim was killed in combat in 2012. He then informed himself about the PKK and the thoughts of Abdullah Öcalan. He wanted to fight and for this he wanted a stable foundation. The final deciding factor in his decision to engage in armed struggle was the ISIS attack on Kurdistan. In 2015, he went to the mountains in the Serhed region.

In Serhed, Rûbar underwent his first ideological and military training for guerrilla warfare. He realized that it was in the interests of the colonial rulers to keep the Kurdish people in a backward state. Therefore, he improved his education. He once defined life in the PKK as a return to what was stolen from him. After his stay in Serhed, he went to the Medya Defense Areas and stayed first in Avaşîn and later in Zap. He was given tasks that required a high level of trust in him. Under the impression of the brutal attacks on the guerrillas and the Kurdish people, he repeatedly suggested going to the front. Ideologically, he felt ready for it. In order to improve his military knowledge, he underwent specialist training as a sniper and fought resolutely and courageously in Metîna from 2018 onwards.

Fîraz Arteş

Fîraz Artêş was born in Kobanê and belonged to the old Kêtikî tribe. His family was close to the Kurdish liberation movement, and he heard heroic stories of the guerrillas as a child. His sympathy for the freedom fighters grew when his big sister joined them in 2011.

It was the early days of the Rojava Revolution and Fîraz delved deeply into the philosophy behind it. Then came the Battle of Kobanê, which ended with the first defeat of the terrorist militia ISIS. Close relatives of Fîraz died in the battle. In 2017, he joined the defense forces in Rojava and took part in the resistance against Turkish Islamist attacks for around two years. During this time, he gained great combat experience. He then went to the mountains to become a guerrilla and would have preferred to go straight into the war zone. However, he first trained himself in the art of guerrilla warfare and the ideological content of the freedom movement.

When the Turkish state attacked the regions of Metîna, Zap and Avaşîn with intent to destroy, it took part in the resistance at Girê Hekarî and other areas in Metîna. He fought courageously and without hesitation until the end. He made a significant contribution to the success of many actions against the invading troops.