HPG: Turkish army attacked guerrilla areas with phosphorus bombs
The occupying Turkish army attacked the guerrilla areas 4 times with banned phosphorus bombs, 34 times from the air, 919 times with artillery, howitzers and heavy weapons.
The occupying Turkish army attacked the guerrilla areas 4 times with banned phosphorus bombs, 34 times from the air, 919 times with artillery, howitzers and heavy weapons.
The People's Defence Forces (HPG) reported renewed use by the Turkish army against the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).
According to the HPG Press Center statement on Sunday, guerrilla tunnels in the Zap region were bombed a total of four times on Thursday and Friday by phosphorus-enriched shells. The target was the underground positions in the resistance massif of Girê Amêdîyê on the strategic western front of Zap.
The HPG Press Liaison Centre shared the following details about the attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army and the interventions by the guerrilla forces within the framework of legitimate defence:
"Attacks carried out by the occupying Turkish army with banned explosives;
On 6 and 7 March, our tunnels in Girê Amediyê Resistance Area in Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were bombed 4 times with phosphorus bombs, the use of which is prohibited by international law.
Attacks carried out by the occupying Turkish army;
On 6, 7 and 8 March, Turkish warplanes carried out a total of 23 strikes against guerrilla areas, targeting the areas of Lolan and Goşînê Xakurkê region 5 times; the areas of Xêrê, Girê Reşîd, Deşta Kafya, Mêranê, Dêreşê, Bêbadê, Xaleta, Girê Babîl, Deşta Kafya 14 times; the areas of Serê Metîna and Bêşîlî in Metîna region twice; Girê Cûdî Resistance Area in Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region twice.
On 7 and 8 March, the Girê Bahar Resistance Area in the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region was bombed 11 times by attack helicopters.
On 6, 7 and 8 March, the Turkish army carried out 919 heavy weaponry, artillery and howitzer attacks against guerrilla areas, targeting the areas of Berê Zînê, Şehîd Şerîf, Lolan and Kendekola in Xakurkê region 53 times; the areas of Girê Reşîd, Dêreşê, Girgaşê, Spîndarê, Mijê, Mêranê, Girê Zengil, Deriyê Hirçê and Zêvkê in Garê region 196 times; the areas of Serê Metîna, Bêşîlî and Şêlazê in Metîna region 151 times; the areas of Girê Amediyê and Girê Bahar in Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region 519 times.
Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region;
On 6 March, guerrillas hit and damaged a DShK heavy machine gun that bombarded our tunnels in Girê Amediyê Resistance Area.
In the Maku region of Rojhilatê (Eastern) Kurdistan, some counter-guerrilla forces in guerrilla uniforms are collecting money from the people by introducing themselves as guerrillas. Our people should be cautious and pay no attention to such counter-guerrilla activities.”