KCK called on people to join funeral of Agit and Amed

Two senior KCK members, Demhat Agit (Seyitxan Ayaz) and Cemil Amed (Eser Irmak) lost their life on 15 October while on Mount Azmar overlooking the city of Sulaimaniyah.

The two senior KCK members, Demhat Agit (Seyitxan Ayaz) and Cemil Amed (Eser Irmak) lost their life on 15 October while on Mount Azmar overlooking the city of Sulaimaniyah. 

The KCK said in a statement that “the Turkish state killed two revolutionaries who had become members of the KCK Executive Council. The attack was carried out by armed unmanned drones in the territory of the Iraqi state, thus in violation of all kinds of international law and human values."

The KCK added that the two members were carriying out public work on national unity in Southern Kurdistan and against the Turkish occupation of Rojava.

Cemil Amed (Eser Irmak) was in Sulaymaniyah for health reasons.

The KCK said "this massacre should be investigated by PUK, the Kurdistan Parlament and the Regional Government. This attack showed that the international conspiracy against the Kurds is being carried out in the four parts of Kurdistan. The international forces that have partnered with this attack have targeted free Kurdish will. This conspiracy, implemented by the colonialist fascist Republic of Turkey, is undoubtedly supported by international and regional powers and by some collaborative-agents. These forces aim at the political, social and diplomatic activities of the Kurdish organisations and leave our people without their will and representation."

The KCK added: "The people of Kurdistan should defend the history of struggle of comrades Demhat and Cemil who have been guerrillaists for almost 30 years and who take revolutionary responsibility in every field. The people should attend the funeral in Sulaymaniyah and Kandil. This participation would provide the best answer to the Turkish state."