KCK calls for all-out resistance against occupation and treason on anniversary of Zilan Massacre

The KCK issued a statement to mark the anniversary of the Zilan Massacre and called for an all-out resistance against occupation and treason.


The Co-Presidency of the KCK Executive Council issued a statement to mark the 94th anniversary of the Zilan Valley Massacre. On 13 July 1930, the last Ararat uprising was crushed in the Zilan valley.

94 years later, it is still unclear how many victims the massacre claimed. Eyewitnesses estimate that up to 55,000 civilians and partisans were killed.

The KCK said in its statement: "We are approaching the anniversary of the Zilan Massacre, which has left enduring imprints in the memories of the Kurdish people. The genocidal imperialist Turkish state burned down hundreds of villages and towns, slaughtering tens of thousands of Kurds, including children and the elderly. We strongly condemn this barbaric massacre, which was conducted by the Turkish regime, and humbly remember those who have lost their lives in the massacre. We gratefully commemorate all martyrs of the democratic revolution, bow respectfully in front of their cherished memories, and renew our devotion to them.

The Zilan Massacre, which was executed with the purpose of completely annihilating the Kurdish people, constitutes one of the most vicious and brutal massacres in human history. This massacre, a part of the ruthless slaughter campaign that was inflicted throughout the region of Serhat, resulted in thousands of Kurdish people being mercilessly massacred. Back then, the valleys of Kurdistan were stained with the blood of slaughtered Kurds. Such atrocities could only be the result of intense enmity, as the massacres in Zilan Valley and Dersim clearly revealed."

The statement continued: "The Zilan Valley Massacre, like all other massacres inflicted on the Kurdish people, occurred before the eyes of the world, yet no one raised objection to the Turkish state’s war crimes. Today, again, the world keeps silent about the attacks and massacres perpetrated on the Kurdish people. States around the world became implicated in these atrocities by their links with the Turkish government and the assistance they offered. We once again condemn this complicity and urge everyone against supporting the Turkish state’s genocide against the Kurdish people.

Undoubtedly, tyranny, attacks, and massacres have not caused the Kurdish people to abandon their fight for freedom. The Kurdish resistance in Agiri, Dersim, Mahabad, Qamishlo, and Halabja has never stopped. Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] traveled to the site of the Zilan Valley Massacre in 1977 to have the first meeting with the revolutionaries of Kurdistan, during the initial stages of the Kurdistan freedom struggle. Today, as a people, we are undefeated in the face of the onslaught. We reject all genocidal attacks as we march step by step toward independence. With their unwavering stance and continuous struggle, the Kurdish people provided the appropriate response to the massacres."

The KCK statement added: "Today, the fascist AKP-MHP administration continues to commit massacres and genocides against the Kurdish people. Since its establishment, this fascist regime has relentlessly attacked the Kurdish people. The recent invasion attacks on southern Kurdistan are a continuation of the historical massacre and genocide onslaught. In the wake of invasion attacks on southern Kurdistan, the KDP has become an active participant in the Kurdish genocide.

As we recall the Zilan Valley Massacre, we denounce the ongoing genocidal attacks in Kurdistan and the collaborators who enable them, and we urge our people to reject this occupation and betrayal."