KCK calls on everyone to stand with Maxmur

The KCK Foreign Relations Committee drew attention to the fact that the fascist Turkish state and its collaborator KDP were behind the pressure on Maxmur and called on all the people of Kurdistan to stand with Maxmur.

The KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Foreign Relations Committee issued a statement about the attacks carried out by the Iraqi army against Maxmur camp.

The KCK statement pointed out that: "The Turkish state, which occupies South Kurdistan more and more, seeks to expand its borders to Mosul and Kirkuk. Especially the people of Kurdistan and Iraq know these aims of the fascist chief, Erdogan. The Turkish state is doing everything it can to expand its occupation operations into Iraq, trying to use every opportunity. For this purpose, it systematically commits war crimes against our people living in areas such as Şengal [Sinjar], Maxmur, etc. and exhibits disrespect for the sovereignty of South Kurdistan and Iraq."

The statement noted that: "Our people living in the refugee camp in the Maxmur area were displaced from their lands because they did not bow to the fascist Turkish state and did not compromise their honorable free Kurdish identity. For this very reason, our people living in the Maxmur refugee camp have been subjected to an international clamp for years. The aim of the new impositions and embargoes is to force our people, who have not surrendered to the Turkish state, to capitulate."

Iraqi government should abandon the use of arms and violence against our people in Maxmur

The statement continued: "Maxmur camp is under the protection of the UN and the Iraqi state. Our people living in this camp are constantly the target of attacks by the Turkish state. The inadequate reactions of the UN and Iraq encourage the fascist Turkish state even more. The UN and the Iraqi state have the responsibility to solve the problems of our people in the Maxmur camp and ensure their safety. What happened in Maxmur today shows that these forces, failing to fulfill their responsibilities, are trying to cover up the existing deadlock with a more serious crime. Weapons have been used against our civilian people, who have become refugees due to the oppression of the racist and fascist Turkish state and for political reasons, and attempts have been made to besiege them. Undoubtedly, this attack and the imposed practice are practices that have no place in neither human rights nor human dignity. With this method against the people of Maxmur, not only no results were achieved, but efforts were made to postpone the solution to the existing problems. It is clear that humanitarian problems will only grow if weapons and force are used against the people. For this reason, we call on the Iraqi government to abandon the use of arms and violence against our people in Maxmur camp who strive to live a dignified life, to take dialogue as a basis and to attempt to find common solutions to the problems."

Call on the UN

The KCK underlined that: "This camp is under UN protection. It is not possible for the UN not to see the violence used against the people there. Its silence makes the UN a partner in this violence. If this is not the case, the UN must take action and fulfill its responsibility to solve the problem.

Violently attacking the people of Maxmur are practices that will only serve the Turkish state, which plans to invade Kurdistan and Iraq. According to certain information we have received, the Iraqi state, which should stop this unresolved policy, wants to send a larger military force against the people of Maxmur. We hope that this information is not true. The correct attitude is to appoint a delegation authorized to solve the problems and to meet with the people of Maxmur. We expect that Iraq will give up this tendency that leads to social outrage and develop a solution to the problems through dialog without wasting any time.

On this occasion, we call on all patriotic people, parties and forces from Kurdistan to stand with the people of Maxmur, to prevent possible negative developments and to defeat the plans of the Turkish state and the KDP."