KNK calls on all political parties and organisations to unite under the roof of the alliance

KNK Co-Chair Ahmet Karamus said that the KNK was established to realise unity within the framework of a national strategy and invited all organisations whose hands are not stained with the blood of the Freedom Fighters to join the alliance.

A reception was held in Berlin, Germany to mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK). The reception was attended by KNK Co-Chair Ahmet Karamus, representatives of political parties and Kurdish organisations in Germany.

Speaking here, Ahmet Karamus said, "We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the KNK. We are happy about this. The KNK was founded with a mission to ensure the alliance and unity of Kurds, which was Ahmedê Xanî's dream. Ahmedê Xanî wanted very much for the Kurds to unite, ally and act in common. Taking this hope and dream of his as its mission, the KNK announced its foundation in 1999. From the perspective of national unity, for the first time in the history of the Kurds, it declared its establishment and became institutionalised to cover four parts. In addition, the KNK is the first in the history of the Kurds as an institution that puts forward efforts to include Kurds living in different countries of the world outside the four parts."

Stating that the will and insistence of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan in the establishment and institutionalisation of the KNK was an important historical turning point for Kurds, Karamus continued: "I would like to thank Mr Abdullah Öcalan on behalf of the KNK and the Kurdish people. The KNK was founded with his ideas, thoughts and encouragement. The KNK has come to this day as a result of his initiatives and care for the work. Kurdistan was divided between four colonialist states. The beginning and infrastructure of this occupation process was realised with the Treaty of Lausanne signed in 1924. However, the Kurdish people have never accepted the Treaty of Lausanne and its results. For 100 years, the Kurdish people have opposed and rejected it with great will. They have resisted and struggled. The Kurdish people have been fighting against it for a century. The Kurdish people have been resisting for 100 years to defend their language, culture, identity and freedom and to continue their existence as a people. No one should doubt that they will resist against this occupation and denial for another 100 years if necessary."

Karamus noted that the world states of the time condoned and approved the disintegration of Kurdistan and its occupation between four states, and said: "They made efforts to bring it under the control of colonial states such as Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. From Şêx Saîd until today, Kurdish parties have not come together within the framework of a national strategy. 25 years ago, the KNK was founded to establish this alliance and create the infrastructure for it. With this role and duty, it has struggled until today to represent all parts of Kurdistan, to ensure its alliance and to provide the basis for its struggle." 

Karamus stated that Germany has always approved Turkey’s policies of genocide and war against the Kurdish people by developing relations with the Turkish state and continued; "One million Kurds live in Germany. The German state should take this into consideration. We appeal to the German government, German political parties, non-governmental organisations and human rights organisations. Your government must not remain silent about the Turkish state's massacre policies against the Kurds. It should not turn a blind eye to this. You need to put pressure on your government not to approve these massacres under the name of trade relations. You need to put pressure on your government to take a stance against the massacres against the Kurds and to approach this problem based on democracy and human rights. We want you to take responsibility to stop these massacres."

Karamus vowed that alliances will be made in the interests of the Kurdish people in all parts and that they will fight harder to ensure unity. "We call on all political parties and organisations whose hands are not stained with the blood of Kurdish fighters and freedom heroes to unite under the roof of the alliance. Our alliance is open to all Kurdish organisations that do not collaborate with the enemy."

Karamus' speech was followed by a cinevision presentation on the foundation and work of the KNK.

Prof. Dr. Heinz Bierbaum, President of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, then gave a speech.

Afterward, food and music were served to the guests on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the KNK.