Kurdish political parties in Syria: Kurdish National Unity is a must

Kurdish political parties in Syria stated that the realisation of Kurdish National Unity is essential in the face of increasing attacks and conflicts around the world.

Officials of Kurdish political parties in Syria spoke to ANHA about the developments in the region and the Kurdish National Unity.

Salih Gedo, Secretary General of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Left Party (P.Ç.D.K-S), said that the increasing tensions and crises in the world and the Middle East are a great danger for the Kurdish parties and the Kurdish people. “Since the 19 July revolution, the threats and dangers against North and East Syria have never stopped. We must be realistic about these issues. We are targeted by the regional states, especially the occupying Turkish state, which plans to destroy the Kurdish people and seeks opportunities.”

Salih Gedo called on the Kurdish people and all the components in the region to participate in this historic process in the spirit of responsibility and fraternity of peoples. Remarking that relations between Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Syriacs and all components should be strengthened, Gedo said: ‘Kurdish movements should work on the basis of unity. Kurdish parties should fulfil their responsibilities and ensure Kurdish National Unity.”

Stating that Kurdish National Unity must be achieved against the attacks of the occupying states, Farhad Têlo, Co-Chairman of the Syrian Kurdish Liberal Party, said: ‘With the establishment of the KNK, important opportunities have arisen for the Kurdish people in the 4 parts of Kurdistan. However, the fact that some parties and political movements in Kurdistan were used as tools in the game of the occupying and foreign powers caused us not to utilise these opportunities.”

Farhad Têlo concluded: “Foreign powers and occupiers have always tried to defeat Kurdish political parties and forces. The KNK organised a National Unity Congress in Sulaymaniyah to frustrate these policies. However, some parties did not attend this congress.”