March for KCK’s Xerib in Sulaymaniyah

KCK executive Diyar Xerib and two guerrillas lost their life as result of a Turkish air raid in southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq.

Condolences have been offered at the Ahasur Mosque in Sulaymaniyah for Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) General Presidential Council Member Diyar Xerib who was martyred in a Turkish airstrike in Qandil on July 5.

The people offering condolence staged a march from the Ahasur Mosque to the Bextiyari neighborhood where Xerib’s family house is located.

The mass condemned collaboration and betrayal, chanting “Martyrs are immortal”, “Bijî PKK” (Long Live PKK) and “Bijî gerilla”(Long Live guerrilla).

People will be offering condolences at Xerib’s family house on Thursday.