No news from HDP member summoned to Asayish in Hewler

No news has been received for 5 days from HDP member Mehmet Vefa Koçaklı who was summoned to Asayish in Hewler.

According to Rojnews, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) member Mehmet Vefa Koçaklı, who lives in Hewler (Erbil), was summoned to Asayish (Security) Directorate in Raperin on August 1st.

Koçaklı called HDP Hewler Representation Office and said; “I am going to Asayish, for you to know”. No news has been received from him since.


Federal Kurdistan Region HDP Representative Abid İke said the asayish forces in Hewler and Raperin do not provide them with information on Koçaklı, nor accept that he has been taken into custody.

İke said KDP officials said they would inform them about the case, but have not provided any information until now.

The HDP representative pointed out that asayish forces in Hewler, Duhok and Zakho are exercising increasing pressure on the people who migrated from North Kurdistan, Turkey, to South Kurdistan, northern Iraq.