Northern and Eastern Syrian delegation continues visits

“Our meeting at such a time to discuss important developments is significant. We must come together more to achieve national unity.”

The Northern and Eastern Syrian Democratic Autonomous Administration visited the Kurdistan Laborers Party after their meeting with the Yekgirtu in Hewler.

The delegation including representatives of political parties in the Northern and Eastern Syrian Democratic Autonomous Administration and PYD Co-chair Shahoz Hesen met with the Yekgirtu (Kurdistan Islamic Union Party) in Hewler and then met with Kurdistan Laborers Party.

Kurdistan Laborers Party Spokesperson Bekes Qadir spoke after the meeting and said, “Our meeting at such a time to discuss important developments is significant. We must come together more to achieve national unity.”

Syrian Kurdish Left Party Secretary Mihemed Musa spoke after Qadir and said: “In our meeting with the Kurdistan Laborers Party, we mainly discussed national unity and the defense of Kurdish gains. Both sides were in agreement to achieve national unity and defend Kurdish gains. We believe Rojava is the key to a solution. If Rojava wins, all Kurds win.”