Peace Mothers: We will continue to be human shields until the war stops

Members of the Peace Mothers Assembly, who held a three-day vigil for peace against war in Silopi district of Şırnak province, ended their protest with a statement. The mothers stated that they will continue to be human shields until the war stops.

Members of the Peace Mothers Assembly held a three-day vigil for peace against war in Silopi district of Şırnak province.

The vigil was organised with the demand ‘No to war, peace now’. Many Peace Mothers from Amed, Van, Batman, Mardin, Hakkari, Urfa, Siirt İzmir and Mersin took part in the action.

The vigil was held in front of the building of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Tilqebîn Town Organisation.

The participants of the press statement on Thursday included Peace Mothers from different cities, DEM Party MPs, members of the Association for Assistance, Solidarity and Culture with Families who Lost Relatives in the Cradle of Civilisations (MEBYA-DER), and members of the Federation of Associations for Assistance and Solidarity with the Families of Prisoners and Convicts (TUHAT-Fed).

DEM Party Şırnak MP Newroz Uysal Aslan said, “The mothers were on vigil for peace against the ongoing war in Kurdistan. As always, mothers have shown their stand for peace and for the end of the war. From the parliament to the streets, from Gemlik protests to freedom protests, here too, the Peace Mothers wanted to show the way to a solution.”

Newroz Uysal Aslan underlined that the peace demand of the mothers is the peace demand of the entire Kurdish people.

Noting that this demand is ‘the peace demand of Abdullah Öcalan who is resisting in İmralı’, the DEM Party deputy said, “The mothers have continued their vigil for 3 days against all kinds of difficulties. Today they end their vigil here. The war in the Middle East, the oppression in Bakûr (North Kurdistan), the approach to the Kurdish question require seriousness, the right approach and concrete steps in every sense. Mothers have manifested their approach for peace here.”

Peace Mother Emine Eren addressed KDP officials and said, “On behalf of all mothers for peace, I call out to Barzani; we are here to stop the war.”

Emine Eren said, “They should take their hands off the blood of Kurds. We will continue to be human shields until the war stops. We are ready for peace, we do not want war.”

The statement ended with the slogan ‘Bijî berxwedana dayikan’ (Long live the resistance of mothers) and applause.