Pistachio trees burn in the Cudi mountains
Bombing of the Turkish army has sparked a fire in the Cudi Mountains in the province of Şırnak, where hundreds of pistachio trees have been burned.
Bombing of the Turkish army has sparked a fire in the Cudi Mountains in the province of Şırnak, where hundreds of pistachio trees have been burned.
Forest fires continue to erupt in the mountains of Kurdistan due to bombing by the Turkish military. In the Northern Kurdistan province of Şırnak, two fires broke out within one week, destroying almost 200 pistachio trees on Cudi Mountain.
As local sources report, the bombing took place as part of a military operation. When residents wanted to extinguish the fire, they were stopped by soldiers. Their personal details were recorded and they were denied access to the fire area.
A person from Şırnak, who did not want to give his name for safety reasons, explained that the pistachios burn almost every year and there is virtually no yield: "It's the same every year. We can only watch it. There were a few more trees that grew well, but they are burned by the last fire. Why are we allowed to plant trees here, if it is a permanent field of operation? "