Political parties visit guerrillas in Kirkuk to mark August 15

Political parties, women’s and youth organisations in Kirkuk and Germiyan provinces of Southern Kurdistan paid a visit to the guerrillas in Kirkuk on occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the August 15 Initiative.

Political parties, women’s and youth organisations in Kirkuk and Germiyan provinces of Southern Kurdistan paid a visit to the guerrillas in Kirkuk on occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the August 15 Initiative, marking the first action of the PKK against the Turkish army in Northern Kurdistan in 1984.

The delegation visiting guerrillas was made up of Tevgera Azadî (Freedom Movement) Co-chair Mihemmed Abdullah, Tevgera Azadî Kirkuk branch Co-chair Başkanı Rıhan Hamadi, officials from Kirkuk and Germiyan and representatives of women’s and youth organisations.

The delegation was welcomed by guerrilla commanders Baran Ararat and Botan Diren and dozens of guerrillas. Following the reception, guerrilla commander Baran Ararat and Tevgara Azadî Co-chair Mihemmed Abdullah made a joint press statement.


HPG commander Ararat put emphasis on the importance of August 15 “as the warriors of Commander Agîd who led the initiative in which first bullet was fired against the Turkish colonialist forces”. He said: “In this war which was launched to end Turkish colonialism, hundreds of comrades fell martyrs, making this day being marked as the Day of Resurrection”.

Commander Ararat continued: “On occasion of this holy day, we as warriors of Commander Agîd are ready to defend our people in four parts of Kurdistan, and all the peoples in the Middle East, a mission which we are fulfilling indeed. Today is a great day for the Kurdish people as it led to a common spirit and idea, as well as unity. This day assured freedom for the Kurds and Kurdistan. On this occasion, we as HPG’s Kirkuk front congratulate the Day of Resurrection for our guests.”


Speaking after, Tevgara Azadî Co-chair Mihemmed Abdullah said the following: “This revolution that defends the honour of the Kurdish people and all humanity is doubtlessly a product of the heroic August 15 Initiative. We are happy with the presence of a Kurdish force that defends the Kurdish people, Kurdish nation and all the peoples in the region. We therefore thank all the fighters of people’s defense forces who have been defending both us and our country against barbarians like ISIS and the colonialist powers in Kurdistan.

Today some parties are both deceiving the Kurdish society and living a deviation through a so-called independence referendum. On the other hand, Leader Apo struggles on the basis of democratic resolution and democratic nation for a solution in national, societal and religious aspect. We as Tevgera Azadî find Leader Apo’s democratic administration project more acceptable as an alternative to the referendum in question. In this regard, we congratulate all our people and Leader Apo on August 15.”