PUK spokesperson Pîre: Ugly scenarios are attempt of postponing elections

Responding to the accusations from the Bashur and Iraqi Interior Ministries regarding the fires in South Kurdistan, PUK spokesperson Seedi Ahmet Pîre said, "What is being done is an effort to create an excuse for the postponement of the elections."

PUK spokesperson Seedî Ahmet Pîre made a press statement about the accusations of the South Kurdistan and Iraqi Interior Ministries.

Seedî Ahmet Pîre said that, as PUK, they condemned the burning of people's shops and demanded an investigation into the events.

KDP is afraid of elections

Referring to the internal conflicts experienced by the KDP, Pîre added: "The internal conflicts experienced by the KDP are a scenario that will disrupt the Kurdistan Region Parliament elections. Such dirty claims are put forward to postpone the parliamentary elections. The KDP is afraid of the elections and does not want them to be held."

Pointing out that KDP turned the burning of bazaars and markets into its own election propaganda, Seedî Ahmet Pîre said: "The PUK did not accept the postponement of the elections. For this reason, the KDP creates ugly and malicious scenarios against us."

More than 300 ISIS mercenaries were settled in Berwari Bala

Pointing out that more than 300 ISIS mercenaries were deployed in the Berwarî Bala region, Seedî Ahmet Pîre said that they wanted to sacrifice Sulaymaniyah to the Turkish state with fake reports and complaints.

We are preparing for elections, not for civil war

Pira said: “Today, an official from the Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs mentioned that they would deploy a force whose name he did not disclose, which is something that worries us. We are preparing for elections, not civil war."

Pîre said: "Previously, they wanted to negotiate with us to postpone the elections. We rejected this. What is being done now is an effort to create some excuses to postpone the elections."